Holiday Reading: Banned by Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia

Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
2 min readDec 19, 2019


As you plan for your trip home for the holidays, why not order the audio version of my latest book, Banned: Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump,from NYU Press? Spend some of that travel time learning about the law behind the immigration headlines. Through interviews with key stakeholders and my own policy and legal analysis, Banned gets into the meat and bones of the immigration changes President Trump made his first days in office — when many Americans didn’t even know what was happening.

Despite what we are hearing from the current administration, the federal government has the tools to treat immigrants seeking admission, refuge, or opportunity in the United States humanely, if it exercises its legal discretion. Banned illustrates this with examples and perspectives from the people who work on or are affected by immigration every day.

United States Senator Chris Coons said: “ Banned is a clarion call to reassert humane immigration policy as a core American value.”

Library Journal wrote: “This meticulously argued work succeeds in illuminating with plain language what the immigration system obscures behind jargon and steel bars.”

I’d love to know what you think! Drop me a line, or leave a review at Amazon and Goodreads.

I’ve been on the road since the September book launch at Webster’s in State College, PA and Politics & Prose in Washington, DC. I met with audiences in Pennsylvania, New York, Louisiana, and Texas (see photos from these events here). Speaking at the Texas Book Festival was meaningful because it allowed me to generate a conversation with other university press authors and be in dialogue with immigration experts.

Recently, I’ve been interviewed by Rolling Stone, written for SCOTUSblog, testified before Congress on deferred action (the subject of my first book, Beyond Deportation) and spent nearly a week with my students at Berks, one of three family detention centers in the country that jails children as young as one. I was able to witness first-hand just how much asylum policy changes in the Trump administration reach beyond borders.

In 2020, I am headed to New York, New Jersey, California, and Colorado to talk about the issues covered in Banned. Check out my schedule here; I hope to see you!

Purchase Banned: Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump at your local independent bookseller or online. Available in audiobook, e-book, and hardcover formats.

Originally published at on December 19, 2019.



Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia

Law professor @PennStateLaw, writes on immigration, diversity & discretion; author of Beyond Deportation and Banned @NYUpress